Monday, November 15, 2010

The AFK Tavern

For anyone around Seattle and thereabouts, the AFK Tavern is a new restaurant/bar/gaming venue in Everett (by the Memorial Stadium). When I was asked to host game night, my lack of square footage at home made it a perfect opportunity to check the place out. Their website calendar stated that it was Steampunk Night, so I donned my khakis, grabbed my comically oversized wrench and rolled out. How was it?

At first glance, it appears to be a typical restaurant. Placed conspicuously by the door, however, was a sword and a list of the house's collection of board games. Wandering in a bit farther, two large TVs in alcoves stand out, showing Rock Band or Uncharted 2 sessions instead of sports. The actual bar is just big enough to serve drinks from, with a longer stretch devoted to monitors that are apparently hooked up to Xbox 360s. A small group was playing Halo: Reach, which my girlfriend joined in for a bit (she's so awesome). My group, all nine of us, claimed one of the two large tables in the back. I couldn't help but notice some wargaming terrain on the other table; never did find out if it belonged to the house or a patron. The whole ambiance wasn't quite the mecca (mecha? :> ) to gaming geekery that I hoped for, but they just opened and there's plenty of room for swag to fill up the walls.

The menu was filled with self-aware dishes; I had the meat-lovers' Orc Burger, and the g/f had a Can Haz Cheezberger. If you're feeling adventurous, the Orc Piss is an inexpensive pitcher of 50/50 beer and a soda of your choice. That and a plate of +2 Tater Tots would be enough for a gaming group to snack on all evening. The burger was a little pricey, but filling. And they have sweet potato fries. :D

There weren't too many people there at the time that my group arrived (10:15 pm or so), and the only steampunks present were three from my group. The Seattle Steamrats are looking to start an Everett chapter, with meetups there on Wednesday evenings. Seeing what the Steamrats have done for business at the Wayward Coffeehouse, I'm sure the AFK will welcome the various bodgers, artistes, and ragamuffins. A steampunk art exibit in the future should add some flavor to the decor, as well. (If I can craft a nice mount for one of my pistols, I may even contribute.)

Both the owner and head cook said hi to our group, and welcomed input on the food and venue. The staff was very friendly, and from what I gathered know their games. Also, even though it's billed as a tavern, 18+ can come in for the food and gaming. Young broodlings are even welcome with their parents.

Overall, the AFK Tavern seems like it's still trying to get into its groove, but there's definitely promise. I'll be going there again, board game under my arm.

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