Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Steam Summer Sale 2012!

If you're like my friends who haven't fired up Steam for over a month (love that buddylist feature), Valve's infamous Summer Sale has been under way for about a week now. The format isn't quite as charming as last year's summer camp theme, but the hook this time is that a few times a day, we get to vote on what game (out of three) we want massively discounted next. Also, there are some achievements for doing things in Steam itself, but a scaled-back version of the multiple cheevos each day, last Summer.

Personally, I've been rather underwhelmed with the selection so far, but a lot of that has to do with the fact that of all the games that have been on sale this time around, I already own them. Oh, my first-world problems! What have I gotten thus far?
  1. Two DLC characters for Dungeon Defenders
  2. Trine 2
  3. Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars and With Fire & Sword DLC
  4. Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind
  5. Take on Helicopters and the With Hinds DLC
 There's seventy-six items on my wishlist, so it's not like there's nothing I'm interested in. The one game I'm really hoping to see 75% off is Warlock: Master of the Arcane. Anywho, time to get in some Tribes: Ascend before bed. I never thought of myself as a Tribes-player, but it's grown on me rather quickly.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blacklight: Retribution first impressions

I'm a sucker for ambiance, especially when it's tied into game mechanics, and BLR really hits that sweet spot for me. The two big mechanics, the augmented reality visors and big, clunky mechs, add just enough spice to the standard game modes to not make the game feel generic (a problem I had with the previous BL game). My only gripe so far is how the menus are constantly reminding you of ways to spend real money in-game. Compared to TF2, it strikes me as the devs and/or publisher not having much respect for the players beyond a revenue stream. Anyway, for the price it's definitely worth checking out. I bought the starter pack when it was on sale, and I'm not regretting it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Street Fighter x Tekken: Redbox Review

Street Fighter games I've played:
Tekken games I've played:
1, 2, 3, 4 (briefly), Tag Tournament, 5, Dark Resurrection, 6
I generally prefer the generally projectile-less Tekken style of gameplay, but Ryu and I go back a ways. Two great tastes that taste great together, right? ...kinda.

Highly Lethal Artwork
The visuals and sound are straight from Street Fighter IV, which make this game a sight to behold. The characters and backgrounds have a cell-shaded look that make them appear to be graphic novel panels come to life. Each paired team has custom pre-match animations, which range from spine-tingling aweseome (Ryu & Ken) to just silly (Zangief & Rufus). Throw in victory-screen dialog and cinematic ending videos, and I found myself playing through the Arcade mode for the storylines. There weren't very many backgrounds, but they were quite colorful and animated, with cameos by SF and Tekken characters that didn't make it into the roster. The music is fitting, but none of the songs were particularly memorable.

Getting Up to Speed
For all the SF and Tekken games listed above, I've never devoted myself to truly mastering a character, much less getting competitive with one. Therefore, first stop for me was the Training mode. In an effort to get new players up to speed, Training mode has twenty Trials (read: exercises) per character to make sure you know a character's special moves and some combos. It's wonderful in theory, but the implementation is rather awkward. For each Trial, the sequence of moves is displayed on the screen, but only the names of special moves. If you have not memorized the names, pressing the Back button (for Xbox 360) displays all of the key presses for the entire sequence. It works, but for multiple attempts to learn a combo with a handful of Japanese terms in the directions, the process gets old really quickly. Also, completion of an Trial displays a victory sequence, with animations for both characters on screen. This isn't a problem if you're looking to master an individual combo, but for running through a sequence of familiar fireballs, hurricane kicks, and dragon punches, those extra moments add up. An example of a well-done list of exercises is the Dead or Alive series; their training mode will cycle through on-screen commands as fast as you can execute them. This may be my lack of devotion to a single character/game showing, but I found myself plateauing around exercise 13 or so, even for familiar characters like Ryu. The game will not show you what the combos are supposed to look like, so you're left to trial & error to figure out the tempo of button presses.

Call me a Luddite, but the ever-increasing complexity of systems in fighting games have been a turn-off in the last few years. (How many ways can I use Cross Gauge energy???) Thankfully there's a tutorial for the unique mechanics in this game, but like the Trials, it's awkward. The infamous Dan from SF games makes a cameo as an instructor, complete with narration. At first it's amusing to hear him ramble on and generally act dorky, but you'll find yourself hammering on the Start button pretty quickly to get to the actual instructions.

In the Fight
As much as I dislike multiple systems to keep track of in the heat of battle, it's nice to know that there's multiple ways to switch between characters. This is encouraged because a round is over as soon as one character is knocked out. This also makes it easier to learn a new character, since you can pair them with someone you're already familiar with to provide backup. Another system that affects you within matches is Gems, a concept almost harkening back to Marvel Superheros and one that I'm on the fence about. Each character has two loadouts for trios of gems; you edit loadouts outside of matches, and choose a loadout when you select characters before a match. Gems can be used to augment abilities (deal more damage, move faster) or assist you (reduce damage taken, auto-block), and have conditions for when they're activated, such as after sustaining X number of hits. Customizability is always nice, although there's something to be said for knowing that the only difference between your opponent and you is their characters and player skill. Also, the numbered list of available gems has quite a few holes in it, hinting at unlockables, so there may be balance issues if the most skilled players also have access to more powerful gems as well.

Online Play: No Noobs Allowed
Hopefully this issue will get fixed in time, but as of 3/15/2012, lag is so terrible that online matches are nearly unplayable and often are reduced to slideshows. When you can get a decent connection, you'll get the joy of experiencing a poor matchmaking system. This may be from a small pool of players from which to be paired against, perhaps a flaw in determining a well-matched pair, not promoting skilled players quickly enough, or a combination of any of those, but even when set for the "same" skill level, I was being paired with opponents who were vastly superior to me. They get bored from no challenge, I get frustrated at the utter inevitability of death, no one wins. At this point my only recourse is to play offline until I'm able to pull of a 15-hit juggle combo, and then I can begin to play online.

Something worth noting separately is that although two players can fight cooperatively online, for Xbox 360 it requires both teammates to have their own console and XBL Gold account. (Four players can fight in pairs locally, however.) Allegedly this has something to due with the architecture of XBL, although other games *cough(Halo series, UT3)cough* prove that it is fully possible.

Bells & Whistles
Every developer now seems to think that they need unlockable player titles, and Capcom has implemented this in the same way as SSFIV. As far as additional modes, there is a fairly useless character editor, due to lack of color options beyond defaults+white+black, and Missions, where you're given a unique condition for the match (no special moves, only Supers, etc.).

Street Fighter x Tekken is meant for hardcore fighting fans. Although there are systems in place to attempt to ease newcomers into the game, they are not implemented in a user-friendly way, and the gameplay has so much depth as to be unfathomable for anyone not already used to Capcom 2D fighters.

There is something else, however, that will keep me from ever buying this game unless a Game of the Year edition is released: on-disc DLC. Roughly a third of the content in the game is inaccessible, including 12 full characters, and you must pay to unlock it. I have no problem with DLC (it gives the development team something to work on after the game goes to the DVD factory), but if content is finished by the time the game "goes gold" and it's on the $60 disc, it's a blatant money-grab to intentionally withhold it from your customers. To add insult to injury, Capcom has allegedly had Youtube videos removed that show the "DLC" characters in use. I understand Capcom is a business and businesses exist to make money, but as long as this practice continues I refuse to further financially reward a company that has this little respect for their customers.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Steam Holiday Sale! (and Origin)

"It's the most wonderful time, of the year!"

Now through January first, there are all sorts of crazy deals on Steam (Portal 2 for $7.50!), and like during their Summer Sale, there are rewards for earning Achievements in certain games, which coincidentally are also on sale. We even get a daily reward for using various features of the system. I have a 'coupon' for 30% off a Valve game; I already have all of their games, so the discount will probably go towards a gift. Seeing so many deals for AAA titles, I think I've reached the point where I can resist buying them for full MSRP and instead wait for the inevitable sale. Combined with the explosion of F2P games, it's a good time to be a PC gamer.

With that said, after perusing Steam I decided to fire up Origin to see what kind of holiday deals they are offering as competition. (I needed my BF3, don't judge me!!!) Drumroll please...

  • The Sims 3: Barnacle Bay
  • Bulletstorm

I can't even tell if those two being half-off have anything to do with the time of the year. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Origin is destined to fail. EA is simply clueless. When physical production costs are reduced to $0.00, there's no reason for a downloaded game to cost exactly the same as what you'd find at Best Buy. And on a tangent, Origin apparently can't remember that Show: Favorites means it is not supposed to show everything attached to my account. Why does EA even bother to still display the BF3 Alpha and Beta? You can't install them any more.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steam Deal of the Day: Arcadia

For $1.70 today, you can get a rather blatant clone of Geometry Wars on Steam. Has anyone played Arcadia? I'd love to know if there is anything to differentiate it from GW. At the very least, the soundtrack sounded neat (assuming the trailer is representative).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Midweek Madness: $15 Portal 2 (and free DLC)

This week on Steam, Portal 2 is on sale through Thursday afternoon for $15! If you haven't experienced this game, buy it. Now. Although familiarity with the first Portal will give extra meaning to the beginning of the story, it isn't necessary to appreciate just how amazing this game is.

The DLC, titled "Peer Review", adds a Challenge Mode for both single- and multiplayer, and leaderboards for proving your obvious superiority to your friends.

Now I just need to clear some space off of my hard drive to reinstall it....  :>

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm in the top three for the Bounty Hounds Online caption contest! X-D

Take a look at my captioning above, and if you like it, up-vote it. If I win, I'll receive a Nox Audio headset and 50,000 in-game credits. To see the other two finalists, go here. Voting is from now until the 5th. Excelsior!